How to grow ORGANICALLY on Instagram

I guess everyone want to have the followers count of a celebrity like  Ariana Grande , but you can grow and have really good engagement following these 6 steps down below .

1. Daily posts = daily followers

If you`ll make daily and  high quality posts , you`ll receive daily engagement (follows,likes,comments).
I already have an article about how to make  high quality posts , click here to check it.

2. What your profile is about?

You should find your niche. A niche is a subject matter of your account Ex: photography, gossips, landscapes, fashion etc.
Also why you are doing this page? and why people should follow you?
You should answer at these questions and your profile will be in the right direction.
And don`t try to make a combo, it will not work because people are following you for 1 reason not 1000!

3. Asociate yourself with an influencer /product

Ok, to be honest, this is hard ,because you should pay that influencer to promote you.But that will have some good consequences for your profile especially for your followers count . 

 I recommend to search some popular figures from your region, which have the same niche with you. Ex: you will not associate with somebody which post about tech if you do fashion and vice versa .

4. Follow, like and comment to your rivals/accounts with the same niche

Like/comment posts which have the same subject matter with your posts.If you`ll do that people will se your comment, will like it and even they will visit your profile and then will follow you. You should comment something beautiful if you want to grow from comments and likes. Also try to find some inspirations on these posts and apply to your page. 

5. Follow Your Competitors’ Followers

After you have your list of the accounts, the next step is to follow their followers one by one. Those people are your target market because they already follow your competitors, which means that they’re interested in your industry and likely what you’re sharing as well.

In the current Instagram algorithm, you can only follow 50 to 100 people every day. If you follow more than 100 people per day, there’s a chance your account can get suspended by Instagram. Again, take it slow and steady. 

6. Join in engagement groups

“Instagram Engagement groups are basically group conversations within Instagram and also on other platforms (e.g. there are several on Telegram app). They are called engagement groups because everybody participating in these groups are willing to like and/or comment on other members’ posts in exchange for their own posts getting liked and/or commented.”

If one member of the group uploads a new post on Instagram, the whole group will help by liking, sharing, and leaving comments on the post. Most groups also have rules that you have to follow to participate to make sure everyone gets the most out of each post.

The bigger the group is, the faster you’ll grow your followers. What’s even better is a group that can like and comment immediately after the new post is uploaded. This makes it easier to get featured on the Instagram Explore Page, giving making it easier to organically increase your Instagram followers. \

So I hope I helped you with something. Don`t forget to subscribe on this blog to don`t miss any news!

Gimme some blog ideas in the comment section below!!!!!!!



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